Porn Addicts Anonymous - home page for PAA with program literature and link to a "member forum" requiring sign up, with info about weekly virtual meetings. Porn Anonymous - home page for PA, with info about online and in-person meetings, program literature, blog, and an online members' forum. Sexaholics Anonymous - home page for SA, with program literature, information about whether SA is right for you, and lists of meetings worldwide, including tele-meetings and online meetings. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - home page for SLAA, with program literature, information about whether SLAA is right for you, and lists of meetings worldwide, including tele-meetings and online meetings. Sex Addicts Anonymous - home page for SAA, with program literature, information about whether SAA is right for you, and lists of meetings worldwide, including tele-meetings and online meetings.

I know this is an AA group, but I didn't know where else to go." The group welcomed him with open arms.) Linksġ2-Step Groups For People Struggling with Porn Use When the time came to introduce himself to the group, he simply said "Hi, I'm _, I think I'm an addict. (We know of one man who struggled with porn, for example, whose first 12-step meeting for his porn addiction was an AA meeting. AA meetings are widespread, they’re run very similarly to meetings of the groups below, and they welcome anyone to attend. If the groups below don’t have an in-person meeting in your area, or you want to get a sense of what 12-step programs are all about without committing to attending one that specifically addresses sexual behavior, try attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting instead. Links are also provided below to some commentary on the variation among the groups. If possible, it may be worthwhile to attend meetings of several different groups to determine which is the best fit for you.

For example, Sexaholics Anonymous groups generally have a more conservative definition of "sexual sobriety" than Sex Addicts Anonymous groups. The groups listed below have the same basic mission of helping people overcome problem behavior by applying 12-step principles, but each offers its own variation on the theme.